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Sisters by Graham Storrs


A Collection of short crime stories - prequels to the Luke Kelly novels

Visit the Luke Kelly series webpage

“I loved the way these stories built on the characters of Alexandra and Mel, filling out details, answering questions, and moving each of them and their relationship on. The final story, Together, is actually quite funny but moving at the same time.”

“If you don't read anything else by Graham Storrs, make sure you read these crime stories. Strong female characters are just the beginning.”

“The two longer stories are almost book length and give the author the chance to really get his teeth into the characters.”


About This Book

Alexandra Bertolissio is a homicide cop, a slight, sensitive woman, making a reputation as a brilliant detective in a world that is brutal and tough. Her younger sister, Mel, is a beauty, reckless and carefree, she is adored by everyone and a magnet for trouble.

Sisters is a collection of eight crime stories, including two full novellas, featuring these two remarkable women and their deep but complicated relationship. These are 'police procedural' stories which will appeal to readers of PD James and Ian Rankin. While each story in the collection is independent and complete in itself, they are arranged chronologically and build on the events in earlier stories. They are set in and around Brisbane, Australia, a large, modern city with a sub-tropical climate and a thriving underworld.

Alexandra Bertolissio and other characters from these stories live on beyond this book in the Luke Kelly crime novels.

This site and all its content is copyright (c) Graham Storrs,